
Organizational Endorsements

“We need honest, constituent-oriented politicians that deliver services on time, above standard, and under budget. Nowhere is this more true than at the helm of San Francisco Unified School District, which continues to face dire financial challenges and is rife with educators who prioritize their politics over our children’s safety and education.”

“Min is running for Board of Education on a platform of fiscal responsibility, high standards of performance and behavior for both teachers and students, and a back-to-the-basics curriculum that offers merit-based admissions, accelerated coursework opportunities, and an education that prepares students for the future. With a background managing large organizations in the private sector, Min is exactly what’s needed at SFUSD to right the ship.” – San Francisco Briones Society

Manny Rosales - Former President of the S.F. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Bill Terheyden - Former Vice Chair of S.F. RCCC

Jason P. Clark - Former Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party, Bay Area Regional Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, President of Log Cabin Republicans of San Francisco

Elsa Cheung - Former President and Chair of CCARA
Heidi Chu
Min’s Daughter
Jason Cieslak
President of Siegel+Gale
Tom Harrison
Chairman Emeritus of the Diversified Agency Services (DAS) division of Omnicom Group Inc.
Josephine Chu

Min’s Daughter

Stephen Martin-Pinto

Lowell Alumni

Alastair Budd

Former SFUSD Student

Brian McMahon

CEO of nudge inc.

Daniel Chu

Min’s Husband

Troy Minor

San Francisco Resident

Yaro Kulchyckyj

Career Veteran at the State Department

Jennifer Yan

San Francisco Resident

Min's Campaign Kickoff Speeches